
The Relational Salon

2024 TBD

Please complete the form below to apply.



Welcome to the Relational Salon, a creative, trauma informed group approach for practicing deeper, richer connections through somatic awareness. Emphasis is placed on listening with presence and attunement, tracking the felt sense, reciprocal sharing and leaning towards the Space Between. Be curious about what all of this may bring in the resonant field of self/other to promote body-mind integration, safety and connection.  If this appeals to your imagination and gives hope to your heart,  please read on.

The Relational Salon is designed to create opportunities to cultivate health in the ventral vagal through deepening into We Space practices. Based on the fields of interpersonal neurobiology, attachment, transparent communication and somatic therapies, these dyad and small group practices are exciting and fun at times but also contemplative, touching and deep.  This is not a forum for personal healing per se, nor is it a substitute for 1-1 therapy, but is an enlivening experience that engages our hard-wiring for connecting and belonging via embodied presence.  

Relating in safety is a biological imperative for mammals and the current polycrisis of ecological collapse, violence and political divisions on our planet continues to take an extreme toll on our nervous systems.  People report increased depression, anxiety and loneliness, yet long for safe, meaningful conversations. Many feel stuck in a state of “scanning for threat” or in states of shut-down, both of which are exhausting and erode health and resiliency. It’s important to remember that we are hard-wired for love, cooperation, collaboration and bonding - and that there is plasticity in the nervous system which leans toward “correction” and optimum functioning given the right conditions.  The Relational Salon offers a container that is trauma informed and neurobiologically sound, creating experiences of safety in Dyad/Small Group Breakout Practices to accesses increased Ventral Tone. As we move forward in these changing times we need experiences that foster collective safety, authentic relating and mutual support. Let’s see what titrated doses of real connnection and Being Witnessed and Gotten, combined with embodiment practices, may bring us in this next phase of evolutionary potential.  

The Relational Salon is a 4-week process held on the Zoom platform with like peers.  We will be creating a safe container to support nervous system regulation and embodied presence via interaction with others.  Each gathering will focus on topics such as the nervous system, somatics, attachment, trauma and healing, via initial didactic/educational teaching and guided meditations, but the heart of the program will be in the experiential Breakouts with others.  



Please follow the links below and complete forms PRIOR TO payment. I want to make sure this program will be a good fit for you.  If not this first expedition into the Relational Field, then hopefully the next one!

Payments can be made through Paypal or Zelle - or if you are an international participant.  

Dates and Times:  4 Live Sundays 5-6:30pm EST,  2024

Cost:  Doors Not Open Yet!

For Paypal please send as a gift/donation (Friends and Family); add a note indicating The Relational Salon for all payments please!

Paypal or Zelle:

Wise for Intl’ Participants:

Number of spots available:  30

What this program doesn’t offer:  a replacement for 1-1 therapy or a way to heal deep traumas. If you find you need direct support regulating states, or are actively engaged at the moment in deep healing (Yay! for you) then it’s best to wait, as these experiential practices won’t offer enough individual support.  Instead, the Relational Salon offers an interactive process that we hope will open up new horizons of authentic connectivity, balanced presence, embodiment and joy with others, as well as a sense of being met and seen.