Somatic Mentoring with Patti Elledge
Please complete the Submission Form below to receive details for when doors open to register for the next course!
A 3-month learning experience with other
like-minded therapists from all specialties.
Hi Friends and Colleagues, I will be offering a Somatic Mentorship program for therapists who want to know more about applying cutting edge somatic strategies to help clients integrate traumas and early attachment wounds. I’ve been in the field using clinical application of neuroscience for many decades and I’ll be sharing my knowledge and experiences of working with PTSD and Insecure Attachment Styles. In this unusual global time of COVID-19 quarantine and sheltering-in-place there is so much we can learn about ourselves and healthy choices to make for our futures. It is The Great Pause, and while challenging to our nervous systems, it is also an opportunity for transformation both personally and collectively. Let us join forces and hunker down together for a 3-month growth experience.
We’ll have Practices, Guided Meditations, Case Reviews and Demos - as well as Lectures and Discussions. I love integrating what I’ve absorbed from the many amazing teachers and brilliant minds that I’ve worked with, such as Diane Poole Heller, Raja Selvam, Kathy Kain and Peter Levine. We will be studying the polyvagal theory and how that can inform us therapeutically, which is the crux of healing relational wounds. It’s especially important during these pandemic days, so I’ll be highlighting themes as they emerge and inquiry into what this offers for Collective Healing. The WE space is beckoning us out of isolation and perceived separateness. We are hard-wired for collaboration, affiliation and bonding through the Vagus Nerve - and co-regulation of group field is an exciting venture for many of us!
This program will be developmentally informed and include information on working with Frozen Inner Child States, as personal liberation truly allows for collective liberation. After many years as a developmental specialist and on-the-floor time with children and families, I truly get how much of our stuckness and sense of aloneness originates in the earliest experiences.
On this 3-month journey together you will be invited to study and learn, view fun videos/podcasts, read a few articles and participate in Sunday Live Calls. There will be weekly assignments and suggested strategies with your clients and your Practice Buddy. I’ll have Open Office Hours too, so folks can meet with me on Zoom just to casually chat about things!
If you are a neuroscience geek of one form or another, you are probably going to like this program. I suspect it will call forth a fair share of hidden mystics, intuitives, healers, mental health professionals- as well as other neuro weirdos like me, which should be entertaining for us all!
Course Runs: TBA
9 Live Call Dates TBA, held on Sundays at 6pm EST: (will be recorded and available to watch when you aren’t able to make the call)
3 Office Hours held on Zoom: TBA
Cost: TBA
Number of available spots: 25
The program will include…
9 Live Online Teaching Calls on Zoom, 90 minutes each which will be recorded and sent to all participants - especially important if you can’t make the live call
Monthly Office Hours to hang out with Patti
Demos and Practice Buddy
Weekly Prompt Questions and/or Assignments to put into practice
Links to Articles, videos and podcasts that supplement your learning
Simple handouts to use in your office that support teaching clients
A Certificate of Completion
What the program is not…
— A DSM based training where I’ll be utilizing diagnostic terminology as a basis of our learning
— A source for your CE needs
— An avenue to heal your deep attachment wounds and traumas; instead, this is an educational, learning program to understand how to apply neurobiologically sound strategies to your present therapeutic practice
— A Facebook support group
— A full, all inclusive certification program like Somatic Experiencing or DARe (but perhaps you’ll be inspired to enroll in one of these outstanding training series after this!)